Exeter City Council have ambitious plans for developing high quality housing across the city.
“We are delighted to be involved in designing public housing for an enlightened client”, says Nick Childs of Childs Sulzmann Architects – “These developments will compare with the best anywhere in the country”.
We were extremely pleased to win the limited competition last year to partner Exeter City Living in the delivery of over a hundred new homes on land the City owns.
ECL are not only ambitious to achieve numbers, 11,500 in 20 years, but to achieve exceptional quality.
These high-density schemes on previously developed land will be built to Scandinavian standards of sustainability and energy efficiency. Passivhaus principles developed in Germany are being applied to the construction which will minimise heating costs over the year.
“Equally important are the spaces in between. We are building communities and neighbourhoods – not just homes”.
We are adding value to the process with our visualisation skills, urban design experience and commercial understanding of the bottom line. The proposals are modelled at every stage to examine their energy performance, estimated cost and environmental impact.